Tyler Oliveira

The Criminal YouTuber Who Became Europe's Most Feared Politician…

I Investigated Tyler Oliveira - Exposing All the Lies…

The Cancelled YouTuber Who Became a Politician...

Inside the Country that KILLS Disabled People...

Vancouver: Disneyland For Drug Addicts

Inside Philadelphia's Real Life Zombie Outbreak

Inside the Rise of Germany's 'Neo-Nazis'

I Investigated the Most Obese City in America…

Inside the Country that KILLS Illegal Immigrants...

This City Made Every Drug Legal...

The Criminal Lawyer Who Frees “Guilty” Murderers | Jayoma

I Investigated an Active Serial Killer in Austin, Texas…

I found a missing $100M plane...

He Lost $20,000 Playing Slots in One Night...

Magnet Fisher VS 100 Miles of Water! *cops called*

I Investigated McDonald's Ice Cream Machines...

The City of PED0PHILES…

I Exposed Seattle’s $2M White-Collar Squatter…

I Investigated the Underground City of Mole People...

I Investigated the City Where You Can Legally Steal Houses…

I Investigated the City of Illegal Immigrants...

Brent Rivera Called the Cops on Me...

I Infiltrated Fox News...

I Investigated the Murder Capital of America...